Enjoy the webinar, recorded live on January 26, 2022. This was an introduction to the 4-week course February 2022.

Earth and Nature hold memory of our ancient past.

It’s time to Remember Who We Are, to call up the ancient memory and acknowledge our Soul’s Purpose.

Join me on a journey to connect with Nature, with Mother Earth, and listen to her stories.

When we open our hearts to the Light, ancient memory transmits to us. 

The messages and stories come through the elements—fire, earth, air, water and perhaps through trees, plants, and animals. 

Join me, as we explore the foundation of ancient memory held and transmitted through the Celtic Spirit Wheel, soul memory coming through geometric shapes and stones placed on the earth. 


Webinar: What is Soul Memory? Remembering your Soul’s Purpose. Connecting with Earth, Stars, Planets, Moon. Finding the ancient memory held and transmitted through the Celtic Spirit Wheel.

Week 1:  Linking with how ancient memory and discovering how it is held.  Finding messages and stories in the elements—fire, earth, air, water. Translating knowledge from the earth into our psyche.  Meditation Journey with Air.

Week 2: Connecting to Hoop Energy through circular geometric shapes.  Reaching down to the ancient teachings from the eye of the Vesica Piscis and the labyrinth.  Living our lives in harmony with the Medicine Wheel—the Spirit Wheel in Celtic tradition.  Touching the energy of the straight lines of the pyramid, Merkabah, triangle. Meditation Journey with Fire

Week 3: Finding soul memory in ancient sacred sites, moon phases and planetary movement.  Ancient mystery schools planted memory in the world around us.  This way future generations could know the past and have access to far more than we could learn in written history or through experience. Meditation Journey with Water

Week 4: Communing with nature, elementals of the land. Drawing information from the trees, soil, plants, clouds, animals. Merging knowledge of the land and elements with our physical body. Meditation Journey with Earth

Mother Earth is calling.

If you have any questions, please contact me at Peggy@MotherEarthSacredTours.net