Moon Ceremonies Honoring the Imbolc Gateway, 2024

NEW MOON CEREMONY closing Imbolc Season is February 9, 2024

FULL MOON CEREMONY, opening Imbolc, January 25—scroll down for recording

Next Ceremony—March 25 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

To join the ceremony March 25, 2024, click on the button above or go to this Zoom link: 

Things you might want to bring with you to ceremony:

Material for clearing your space:  sage, incense, water, feather, etc. Mirror.  Journal.  Party hat if you have one. Any object that is white:  White flower or white crystal or white candle, white cloth—whatever calls to you. Red candle for Brigid, yellow candle for spring, white candle for Light. Container of water. AND bring your open heart to fill with the celebration of joy.

Upcoming Moon Events

New Moon Ceremony Closing the Imbolc Gateway will be February 9, 2024

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Ceremony March 25

New Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse April 8 (visible in most of North American

Solar Eclipse and New Moon Ceremony October 14, 2023

Have you every seen a Solar Eclipse? It is a site to behold and brings with it amazing energy to awaken and move us. This one occurred in Libra which will call us to look for the true meaning of beauty. This intense eclipse season energy (now through mid-November) will push us toward unexpected change. If we will open to Libra’s intensity we have the opportunity to live our lives in greater balance and harmony.

This session was originally broadcasted during the Fierce Awakened Woman 2023 Creativity Jam, created and produced by Jenn Baljko, founder of Always on My Way.

Full Moon, Lughnasadh, Lion’s Gate Ceremony August 1, 2023

New Moon Ceremony July 17, 2023 RECORDING

Honoring the New Moon, the changing of the Lunar Nodes, the opening of Lughnasadh Harvest Season, and a WATER CEREMONY

April and May have eclipses and several planetary and moon changes. To see the webinar that was the introduction to an April/May course, please click the button below.

Feb 5, 2023 Ceremony to honor Imbolc and the Full Moon, to welcome the sun and the sacred flame. This Leo Moon gives us courage to stand up for TRUTH, to be AWAKE and ARISE to our full protentional.

Recording of New Moon Ceremony January 21, 2023

The New Moon in Aquarius calls us to create our flow of harmony for 2023

To view the recording click the button below or copy and paste this YouTube link.

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse Ceremony Nov 8, 2022

Recording on my YouTube Channel

Any donations to support my work are appreciated. You can send any amount to PayPal with my account name (which is the same as my email) to:

See the October 25 New Moon and Solar Eclipse Ceremony on YouTube. Click here, click on picture or copy and paste the link

Recording of Full Moon Ceremony August 11, 2022

Click HERE or click on picture.

Ceremonies will be recorded and posted here after the events.

For more information about Water Essences click on the Water Essence Tab on this website menu or go to

Replay of April 30, 2022 Ceremony for Beltane, New Moon, & Solar Eclipse

Full Moon Ceremony February 15, 2022

New Moon Ceremony on February 1, 2022

Enjoy the recording of the New Moon Ceremony and the Celtic Imbolg Ceremony. Journey with the Black Bear and the Dark Goddesses as we listen to the teaching from the ancestors. Celebrate Imbolg, the releasing of winter as we slowly move our way toward Spring.

Enjoy this moon slide show

Happy New Year!!! Here’s the 2021 New Year’s Eve Ceremony recording.

To see the short slideshow from the event CLICK HERE

At the end of the live session, we danced with Venus and Mars; danced to our own creativity; danced with our connection to the Divine, and danced our Spiritual Journey. Due to copyright I could not record this portion of the ceremony but here’s the complete list of songs. All were found on YouTube.

Eclipse Ceremony—2021 Eclipse Season included the lunar eclipse November 19 and a Solar Eclipse December 4, 2021 (ceremony held Dec 3)

This eclipse will not be visible to most of the world, nevertheless, the eclipse energy impacts us all. This eclipse occurs from 12:30 AM to 4:37 AM New York Time on December 4 and is visible in Antarctica, southern Australia, South Africa, and possibly southern part of South America. This eclipse will be unusual because the path of the total eclipse will move from east to west, while most eclipse paths move from west to east. In the middle of the eclipse, Earth will experience the New Moon at 2:43 EDT.

Join me in ceremony to honor, celebrate, and absorb the energy of this Full Solar Eclipse.

Recording of Solar Eclipse & New Moon Ceremony: Dec 3, 2021

This releasing eclipse is the final eclipse on the Sagittarius/Gemini axis where it has been for 19 years. Think back to your life’s direction in 2002…And think forward to 2040, 19 years from now!

If that’s too far ahead, break it down to shorter increments with Lunar Cycles. This New Moon in Sagittarius initiates a new two-and-a-half-year cycle. This lunar cycle starting right now Dec 2021 will present a critical turning point in September of 2022. Dreams, intentions will come to realization in June of 2023, and the manifestation of that intention will continue in your life to be released in February of 2024.

Gifts during the ceremony focused on Earth, Water, Air, and Fire

Earth: Zoisite with Ruby

Water: Universal Life Expansion Water Essence. These are available through

Air: Blue Jay, the connector between heaven and earth

Fire: Prayer Bundles for things you want to release and intentions for the future. Suggested herbs for the bundles: dandelion, chamomile, rosemary

These are Samhain season moons calling us to go within, to sit with illumination of the Full Moon as it goes dark with the Lunar Eclipse.  

Recording of New Moon Ceremony: Nov 4, 2021

Honoring the observance of the Celtic Cross Quarter Holy Days, this New Moon comes in the Samhain season. Join me as we travel inward to the dark of the Moon in Scorpio as she calls us to go within, to sit with the Dark Moon and listen to the Ancestors. 

Ceremony to Honor New Moon, Lion’s Gate, and Sekhmet 8/8/2021

This ceremony celebrates and honors the New Moon, Lion's Gate, and Sekhmet. We open with Calling the Directions, then look at the opportunities that the energy of the New Moon and Lion's Gate open to us and how Sekhmet can guide us. We end with a meditation including chanting with Hathor. Questions and discussions follow the ceremony. Enjoy!!

Full Moon Ceremony, July 23, 2021

On July 23, the organization WomenSpirit invited me to lead a Full Moon Ceremony. Some of you may have seen it. Here’s the recording. I don’t have the ability to edit the file, so the first screen is a picture of a phone. It changes in just a second to me calling the Directions. The recording is about 30 minutes long with the ceremony itself about 20 minutes. Enjoy

Click here for more information on WomenSpirit