Join me for a Gratitude Journey 2024.

For the next 6 weeks January 5 through February 9, I will post Gratitude Prompts. If you are on my mailing list, you’ll receive weekly emails.

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Your gratitude prompt for today:  Take 3 deep breaths and say I am truly blessed to have…. (List 3 things) Tonight, before bed hold your icon, read these 3 things and follow each one with thank you, thank you, thank you.

Please view the slideshow for details about the process of our Gratitude Journey. Click here or click the picture above to see slide show.

 Week 1 Gratitude Prompts:

Day 1: Write about 3 beautiful things you have recently seen.

Day 2: Write 3 positive things about your body.

Day 3: Write about 3 things physical things that you treasure.

Day 4: Write about 3 things you treasure that are not physical.

Day 5: Write about 3 things you love about nature.

Day 6: Write about 3 of the best things that happened to you this week.

Day 7: Write 3 things that make you happy.