Timeline Healing TLHT                                   

Quantum physics has proven that time and space have many peculiar qualities. The quantum entanglement principle essentially proves that time is an illusion and that past, present and future intermingle and overlap. Timeline Healing (similar to past life regression, or soul retrieval work) takes you into the past to “visit” your past lives self and give them support, love, healing and wisdom.

As your trained guide, I travel with you and your Higher Self to change the perception of the trauma or unwanted patterns.  This journey cannot change the events of the past, but gratitude and forgiveness incorporated in the session can change current reactions.  Timeline Healing works energetically  with physical, emotional, mental levels and with subtle bodies: astral, etheric, causal. 

For more information or to schedule a Timeline Healing session email Peggy Moore at Peggy@MotherEarthSacredTours.net

Peggy Moore is a certified practitioner of Timeline Healing Therapy developed by Sal Rachele 

Sal tells us, “It's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work, healing ourselves instead of just paying lip service to the path. This means making a solid commitment to grow and evolve in the highest and best way possible. In this current vibration of our world, our true motives and passions will be revealed, either gracefully or otherwise. We must be gentle and loving with ourselves, yet firm and vigilant against negativity of any kind. We must hold ourselves accountable.”