Journey with this meditation honoring Imbolc and using Universal Life Energy techniques. This journey is from the 2021 Imbolc Celtic Ceremony. Imbolc reminds us that the Cailleach has carried us through the winter and is ready for a nap. The seeds we planted last fall are beginning to take root—still underground—still in the belly of the earth. And As the Cailleach says goodbye for now, the maiden, Brighid, is awakening and nourishing those underground roots. What are you cultivating? What dreams are waiting to manifest?

Join me for a Full Moon Meditation. January 28/29 is the first FULL MOON of 2021. The full moon always brings illumination and this one in Leo asks us to look at our courage, our generosity, our service. Journey with this meditation to help you remember who you truly are. Let it help you listen to your inner voice asking how you are caring for yourself and how you balance that with energetic service to the collective.

This 30 minute meditation, which includes about 10 minutes of silence, guides you with Universal Life Energy techniques as taught by my meditation teacher, Ron Chapman of Ottawa, Canada. If you have any questions, please email me at

Thank you. I send love and blessings to each of you. Peggy

Click the arrow in the middle to view the video recording of the meditation.

Full Moon Meditation led by Peggy Moore

Join me in meditation in my favorite place in nature

Crossing the bridge from the everyday thoughts and experiences…moving to to the other side where I can let go and commune deeply with the Divine.

Crossing the bridge from the everyday thoughts and experiences…moving to to the other side where I can let go and commune deeply with the Divine.


Sit in a comfortable place. Relax. Breathe gently. And listen to the Water Goddess Meditation.

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Video or Audio


Opening the Flower of Your Heart

This 22 minute guided meditation includes Universal Life Energy techniques to deepen your meditation experience. The process connects you with your chakras and specifically opens the heart center to connect deeply to the Divine, the Oneness. The meditation ends with a balancing and grounding technique.





In this meditation we take a Nature Walk and hear the birds sing, listen to breeze through the trees.



A walking meditation in a labyrinth is a pilgrimage to our inner self.

It help us tune in to our intuition:

Creates and dissolves Expands and contracts

Reveals and conceals Going in—as an ending

Coming out—as a rebirth, a regeneration.

View the Video of "Walking Meditation in the Labyrinth"

Click here to view to guided meditation



To access Mahgoub’s free gift

from Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites Summit:

Play the meditation from this site or click the download button. This meditation was written and performed by Peggy Moore with music composed and performed by Linda Go. Thank you, Linda for you assistance and your music! The music is Pearl: track from Lunaria. To purchase Linda’s music send her an email at or click here to purchase the Lunaria CD through Kanaki

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