Join me on a journey to reach your full potential to


Are you ready to awaken your inner resources?

Is it time to re-member your ancient memories and your soul path?

Have you come here at this time in history to help usher in this new era?

Join me for a new course, Remember Who You Are starting Nov 18, 2020.

Scroll down to see the introductory webinar recorded on Nov 11 and view the slideshow from the webinar. Also below you will find a link for more information and course registration.

The culture around us continually attempts to limit us, to subversively tell us to follow the status quo. 

But what if we could remember who we truly are?  What if we could make real, positive changes in our world?

The webinar is an introduction to the upcoming class

Nov 11 presentation: REMEMBERING YOUR SOUL’S PURPOSE. Looking at cycles and weaving our lives. Introduction to the Spirit Wheel’s cardinal directions and elements.  Remembering the Egyptian and Celtic ancestors of the Spirit Wheel.

The free webinar is an introduction to the upcoming class. 

Starting November 11, 2020, we will begin a 4-month exploration to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.  We’ll meet twice a month online for a total of 9 sessions to awaken your inner resources, to strengthen your personal power.  I’ll be your guide as you and other like-minded individuals come together to share and grow. We’ll look at possibilities of growth and I’ll guide you in journeys and meditations with Timeline Healing group sessions and Universal Life Energy meditations.

Click here or on picture below to see slideshow from Webinar

Recording of Webinar—Nov 11, 2020

Join me as we weave ceremony and ritual into our daily life

Connect your human side with your Higher Self to understand your spirituality.

Flow with our soul and find your memory of the Divine

Enhance your visionary senses and discover the alchemist in you

Develop your healing abilities with dowsing, intention, clearing, prayer work

Activate deeper meditation with Universal Life Energy and Timeline Healing group meditations to expand your ability to receive clear guidance from the Oneness

It’s time to do more than survive, it’s time to thrive in our spiritual growth.

It’s time to follow our path to the Sacred.

Make a commitment to yourself

Join me on a sacred journey down the ancient spirit road and


Following the pattern of the Spirit Wheel or Medicine Wheel, we begin our journey at the Center of Love and Sovereignty. Then we move through the elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and return to the Center of Love

November 11:  REMEMBERING YOUR SOUL’S PURPOSE; Looking at cycles and weaving our lives.  Introduction to the Spirit Wheel’s cardinal directions and elements. Remembering the Egyptian and Celtic ancestors of the Spirit Wheel.

November 18:  AIR:  Communication & Vision.  Finding your space within the 8 directions and the multiple layers of dimension.  Seeking Higher Vision. Walking with the Temples of Hathor

December 2:  AIR: Gratitude, Forgiveness, Loving Yourself. Listening to ancestors:  Lugh & Anu, Re, Tefnut & Nut

December 16:  FIRE:  Creation—Life-Death-Rebirth.  Awakening the Inner-Self.  Overcoming obstacles.  Change.  Trust.  Facing your dragon.

January 6:  FIRE:  Creating and participating in Ceremony.  Purification, Faith, Strength, playfulness. Listening to ancestors:  Hathor & Bastet, Brigit & Oran Mor

January 20:  WATER:  Healing. Prayer. Intention.  Dowsing.  Holding Space. Listening to ancestors:  Sekhmet and Morrigan

February 3:  WATER:  Vision.  Awaken the deeper levels of the Heart. Quests. Creating water essences. 

February 17:  EARTH:  Balance & Harmony.  Understanding truth and justice.  Walking with the White Buffalo. Listening to Ancestors:  Ma’at, Dana, and Mother Earth

March 3:  DIVINE CENTER OF LOVE:  Connecting with Nature & your own Intuition.  Holding Space.  Memory of Storytelling.  Listening to Ancestors:  Isis, Osiris, Horus, Dana, Maeve, Cailleach

balance-Image by  Ralph Kunze from Pixabay.jpg

Listen to your heart.

Remember who you truly are and follow your path to the Divine