In June 2020 a group of amazing wisdom carriers gathered to share their own sacred paths to awakening and transformation. Together we explored the Sacred and presented ways to re-discover our true heart’s desire.

 Ancient Sacred Sites can be found all over the world. Have you ever wondered what was their original purpose?  Wondered how long they’ve been here and why do they still exist?  What happens to us when we enter these sacred places?

When we encounter special places in nature or ancient sacred sites, there is an energetic vibrational pull related to our Soul’s Purpose. Could this energetic pull act as a portal to help us open and deepen our spiritual growth?

Click here to learn more about the speakers and links to their websites. A couple of the interviews are still available on the website.

During Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites, I interviewed 26 teachers, healers, leaders, shamans, and wisdomkeepers including Jocelyn Mercado, Kedar Brown, Tayria Ward, Aingael Rose and many others!

Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites: 

Portals to Spiritual Awakening and Finding Your Heart’s Desire

Presented globally online from June 1 – 5, 2020

This event was designed for those who are ready to remember their Soul’s Journey … To step into their next Awakening.

Your Heart has been longing to guide you toward your purpose and highest potential.

Love and Blessings to you,

Peggy Moore