Celtic Spirituality: Walking Your Path to the Sacred

Honoring the Earth and Respecting the Land & Spirits of the Land

February & March 2021

In this course we will explore earth-centered Celtic spiritually which respected the land and the spirits of land. We’ll consider how to search within oneself for guidance and how to use the Spirit Wheel, celebrations and ceremonies of the 8-fold Celtic. We delve into the world of faeries, goddesses, druids, the ancestors, the Sidhe, and the Otherworld.

Please email me if you have any questions: Peggy@MotherEarthSacredTours.net

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A 4-week Course to Deepen Your Connection with Mother Earth for Her Healing and Your Own Healing

Remember Your Soul Path and Strengthen Your Commitment

Learn How to Thrive in the Face of the Unknown

Create and Establish Your Own Ceremonies and Rituals

Please enjoy this webinar I recorded June 2020. Near the end it announces the class I taught July 2020. It is an introduction to the course I will teach February-March 2021 class.

Celtic Spirituality embraces the interconnectedness of all living beings. Every hill, rock, flower, tree, or stream is sacred. Connection to the Sacred manifests through sacred ceremonies, clooties, holy wells, poetry, songs, prayers, art and more.

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Full Moon Meditation

recorded during the Full Moon on January 28, 2021

The full moon always brings illumination and this one in Leo asks us to look at our courage, our generosity, our service. Journey with this meditation to help you remember who you truly are. Let it help you listen to your inner voice asking how you are caring for yourself and how you balance that with energetic service to the collective.

This 30 minute meditation, which includes about 10 minutes of silence, guides you with Universal Life Energy techniques as taught by my meditation teacher, Ron Chapman of Ottawa, Canada. If you have any questions, please email me at Peggy@MotherEarthSacredTours.net

Thank you. I send love and blessings to each of you. Peggy

Click the arrow in the middle to view the video recording of the meditation.