Welcome to
Mother Earth Sacred Tours.
’m Peggy Moore
and you are invited to join me in the Healing Garden.
Spiritual studies, journeys and pilgrimages call to my heart. Sometimes the journeys are to magical, far-away lands, sometimes to my back yard and sometimes they are classes and meditations.
Come…join me on these journeys to the sacred.
Seekers go to sacred sites looking for experience of the Oneness, to help us come closer to a perception of who we truly are. Earth’s subtle energy holds memories of things the Earth is holding in energetic structures. Sacred sites have ability to align their energy with your physical energy., thereby allowing your energy to flow more smoothly and experience well-being.
Our senses are very strong if we open ourselves to experience the present moment as it is. In our journeys to sacred sites, we help guide you to set an intention to expand your consciousness, to look within, to find your true purpose. We go to the sites with reverence and respect to honor the primary energy of the place. We approach the site with love and affection
Sacred Sites in Ireland
Sacred Sites in Egypt
About Peggy Moore
Peggy Moore has listened to “the still, small voice within” and followed the guidance to many unusual and amazing paths. She studied and explored metaphysics, world religions, and indigenous spiritual practices, including the pre-Celtic, old Irish ways with an Irish medicine woman, Trish Cameron. Peggy’s sensitivities to Earth energies and her heart’s calling led, guided and pushed her toward her spiritual journeys to mounds, standing stones, temples and sacred sites in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, Egypt and the U.S. Personal pilgrimages, as well as leading formal tours, have informed and expanded her life-long energy work of holding space for people to heal.
Peggy has practiced and taught meditation for more than 30 years and trained with Ron Chapman of Ottawa, Canada and the Institute for Study of Universal Life Energy. In the yogic way of integrating insights and guidance from her higher self, her meditation flows into her energy work and daily life. From a young age Peggy has been aware of her past lives and is currently a practitioner of Timeline Healing Therapy developed by Sal Rachele. Through dowsing and intuition, she connects with Earth energies and throughout the year leads ceremony for the Eightfold Celtic Holy Days and the Irish Spirit Wheel. She has taught courses and led workshops in Meditation, Celtic Spirituality, Ireland’s Sacred Sites, Egypt’s Sacred Sites, and Egyptian Goddesses at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of North Carolina, for various conferences, and in the local community.
Though her spiritual pursuits have always demanded center stage, she has managed to fit in an academic career and family. Her undergraduate degree combined Behavioral Sciences and World Religions. Her master’s degree in Social Studies Education included teacher license in 7 academic areas including psychology. Special education was the focus of her doctoral work. Peggy has worked as a teacher, academic administrator, and executive director for residential programs for adolescents with behavior and emotional disorders. In the College of Education at the University of North Carolina Charlotte she taught special education and coordinated a teacher education internship program. Today her work is focused around spiritual education and her business, Mother Earth Sacred Tours, Inc.
Ireland’s Triskele
Egypt’s Eye of Horus
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